Colour PsychoDynamics
Know Yourself Through Colour
"A blueprint for living an inspired life"
Individual Consultations
In this ever-changing, fast paced world, the need for reconnection and remembering our true Self is becoming paramount for our overall well-being.
Colour PsychoDynamics, created and developed over 30 years by Mark Wentworth, is a three-stage personal growth model helping to animate and bring to life that which wants to find expression through you. This purposefully designed growth model guides and supports you to expand beyond a fated life in order to thrive and flourish in your destined life.
We each come with a Colour Coded Soul Blueprint which was lovingly and meticulously woven for you and encrypted within you by the Universe a long time ago. This colourful lattice work of archetypal colour energy reveals the pattern of the person you were born to be.
It acts as a reminder that everything you need in order to live a life of meaning, your destined life, is already there within you.
We arrive in this world with all the inner-resources and strengths that we need to live the life that calls to us, nothing more, nothing less, there is never a part of you that was not born to be used. It is there to be birthed by you, nourished by you and lived by you, and by you alone.
When your Colour Code is applied internally, you know on all levels of being that who you are is enough. When this same method is applied externally through décor and style, we create harmonious living and working spaces. Combined, it provides opportunities to flourish in full potential and grow into the best version of yourself.
This unique and bespoke “Soul-Design” service applies to individuals, couples, families, teams and businesses.
When you own who you are, you have no other choice but to be on purpose and live the life you love naturally, in full glorious colour.
If you would like to arrange a complimentary 15-minute Zoom-call to discuss which individual session, course or workshop would be best suited for you, please click here
Click here to see the list of Profilers working with this method. See below for more information about the sessions offered by Mark.
“You either walk inside your story and own it,
Or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness”
Brené Brown
Colour PsychoDynamics Profiling and Mentoring
Colour PsychoDynamics Profiling and Mentoring sessions takes a holistic whole person approach translating colour and its frequencies in a way to assist and support you in revealing, becoming and living your own best life. Through the amazing power of colour, we help you discover your deep self-knowledge and show you how to utilise this wisdom for personal transformation and overall wellbeing.
Emergence Session Over a six- or twelve-week period I will be helping you to Reveal, Become and Live your own best life. Each of the three 90-minute session guides and supports you to reconnect with your Soul’s provenance, your inner nobility and your archetypal colour resources. In-between each meeting I will suggest prescribed colour psychodynamics processes for you to follow.
The focus and goal of the Emergence Session is to support and guide you on how to navigate the ups and downs of day to day living using your own Colour Coded Soul Blueprint whilst still remaining aligned and connected to your big life, the one only you can live, the one written for you a long time ago.
Investment: £345
*The Emergence Session includes a Colour Coded Soul Blueprint
Book and pay for your session.

Once payment has been received you will be contacted to arrange your session time.
Please allow 48-hours for a reply.
A 90-minute session unlocks your Colour Code and allows us to explore more deeply your life choices and life challenges, be they career goals, new business ideas or repeating patterns in relationships, finance and or health. There is always a remedy of colour to help lead the way to optimum living and wellbeing.
Investment: £135
Add your Colour Coded Soul Blueprint - click here to read more
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Once payment has been received you will be contacted to arrange your session time.
Please allow 48-hours for a reply.
A 60-minute session is about unlocking your unique Colour Code to reveal your core essence. This core essence is what makes you, you. I will then guide you on the most beneficial approach to living your own best life and wellbeing based on your individual Colour Code.
Investment: £90
Sessions may be taken after this date.
Add your Colour Coded Soul Blueprint - click here to read more
Book and pay for your session

Once payment has been received you will be contacted to arrange your session time.
Please allow 48-hours for a reply.
Testimonials for Colour Profiling:
"This was just incredible, no one has ever understood me or seen me as clearly as you have in this session,
the colour exercises you taught me are already under way.
Thank you so much"
N. Blythe - New York
“Mark’s private sessions have been instrumental in helping me through a very challenging health scenario
with a very positive outcome.
His expertise and guidance is second to none and the sessions are so relaxed and interesting.
I can’t recommend him highly enough.”
L. Gamble – London
“Mark Wentworth is amazing.
I met him completely by chance and had no idea of the power or value of colour in my life.
He even tapped into my ancestry bringing me information and peace in an area of my life that had been a mystery to me. Your Colour Profile is sort of like trail markings for life…
Giving guidance on which path to choose along the way.”
Janette Barber,
6-time Emmy award winning producer/writer - New York
Colour is a great visionary explorer and sometimes the answer to your questions lay not in the past but hidden in the future. A ColourVision session gives you the opportunity to explore and meet the many different versions of your very own future self. There’s nothing quite like receiving advice from a potential you that has the lived experience of the path you’ve yet to choose. This future self wisdom enables you to take action on the path which now aligns you with your greatest and fullest potential.
Group sessions for half and full day teambuilding and goal setting available in person and online.
Session time: 90 minutes
Investment: £135
Book and pay for your session.

Colour Stories – Healing the many lives of the Soul
Colour has the amazing power to move us into the past as well as the ability to bring us fully into the present. Through a Colour Story session, I will help you explore the many lives of the Soul in order to heal and transform the unfinished stories that belong to a different time, and to a different part of your Soul. These incomplete lives have a way of rippling through time giving us no choice but to repeat and play out the same pattern again and again. Sometimes it feels as though you have no choice but to react in a way that doesn’t make sense to who you are today. A Colour Story session helps to free you from the past in order to live in the now and be ready to step fully into the future.
Session time: 90 minutes
Investment: £135
Book and pay for your session.
Once payment has been received you will be contacted to arrange your session time.
Please allow 48-hours for a reply.
Group sessions for half and full day teambuilding and goal setting available.
Testimonials for ColourVision:
“ColourVision is like a really gripping book,
you open a page or read a chapter and get really interested and just can’t stop reading on;
you can’t believe the book will get better and better or any more exciting,
but it does, and you just can’t put it down
and want to write more chapters for everybody to share.
There are no words, ColourVision has to be experienced,
even though you can’t wait to tell your friends and colleagues how good it is”
T. Ure - London
“Unbelievable changes occurred in my life;
in such a fast way I didn’t even think that it was possible to happen.
ColourVision is an intense and full way of being in life!
It is to Wake up and live our own and unique story!”
R. Alves - Porto

Once payment has been received you will be contacted to arrange your session time.
Please allow 48-hours for a reply.
Testimonials for Colour Stories
“Thank you for a truly amazing session
I felt as though you had known me all my life and could see inside me.
I’m using the colour techniques and I do feel much better,
the depression has started to lift”
V. Dove. – London
“What can I say – the colour session is truly remarkable,
I really feel like a different person, more like the ‘me’ I had almost forgotten.
On top of that I’ve met a delightful young man,
which prior to this colour work I would have never thought possible”
V. Bennett – London
Colour Dreamwork
A Colour Dreamwork session is helping you to make sense of these seemingly random images that show up when we sleep. It is often these colour dream sequences that provide you with valuable guidance and information about steps to take in life, be it in career, love or money. Sometimes our minds are so busy with the day to day that is only a dream colour that can try to bring awareness to potential life opportunities and even act as an early warning sign for health issues. In this session I will help you translate and act upon the messages from the colours of your dreams. Colour Dreamwork can aid you with creative projects, life choices and life changes. If you don’t remember your dreams, no worries, all you have to do is imagine.
Session time: 60 minutes
Investment: £90
Book and pay for your session.
Once payment has been received you will be contacted to arrange your session time.
Please allow 48-hours for a reply.
Ancestral Colour Healing
​We are by nature, storytelling beings. We are made up of and come from a history of stories and repeating patterns, be it in our families, in our cultures and in humanity in general. It took the stories of 14 people from three generations to meet in order for you to eventually be born. Sometimes these generational stories remain unfinished due to dreams unlived, loss, migration, plus many other unresolved issues. It these energetic patterns that become inherited legacies and invisible family loyalties. It is these invisible threads that contribute to repeating family patterns and lives of fate rather than a life of choice and destiny.
With colour as our guide we will begin the healing and liberating process from the hidden legacies, and invisible family loyalties. Enabling you a joy for living in the now, a hope for the future, and aligning more fully to the life YOU were born to live.
Session time: 60 minutes
Investment: £90
Book and pay for your session.
Once payment has been received you will be contacted to arrange your session time.
Please allow 48-hours for a reply.
All sessions are available online and in-person where applicable.
For further information:
Email: mark@colourforlife.com
Mobile/WhatsApp: +44 7949 282 384
“Mark’s knowledge and insight made this 1-1 session truly amazing,
he confirmed some of what I already knew but gave me new ways of dealing with life’s problems.
I would thoroughly recommend a session to anyone who is in need of guidance”
AH – Switzerland
“I now have a foundation and a set of colour tools to guide me for the rest of my life.
I couldn’t ask for more. With love and gratitude.”
CB – North Yorkshire
“I felt I just wanted to say thank you
this week my acne has gone completely, only the scaring left.
I tried almost every conventional treatment; in the end I accepted it would be a way of life,
now it’s gone without even trying. I’m still amazed that colour can do all this;
if someone asked me, I still wouldn’t know how to explain it.
All I can say is that it’s made such a difference to how I feel,
all I know is that I can at last feel the real me emerging after many years in darkness.”
WP – Norfolk
‘When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece’
John Ruskin