Colour PsychoDynamics
With Colour Specialist Mark Wentworth
The Colour PsychoDynamics methodology has been created and developed over 30 years by Colour Specialist and Global Colour Ambassador, Mark Wentworth. It acts as a guide and a support for the process of becoming. With colour at its heart it fosters a way of living and being, a way of living that aligns you to your inherent nature, and a way of being that fulfils you from the inside out. As we become, so we blossom, as we blossom, so we shine.
This certificated training offers you the opportunity to know yourself and others more deeply and fully through the language of colour. The full training enables you to identify and give meaning and understanding to a life’s calling and to be able to guide the birthing of hidden gifts and talents through ancestral and Soul wound healing.
Your training journey begins with the Colour PsychoDynamics Profiler training, which sets the foundations and teaches you how to nurture and encourage the blossoming of the calling to purpose and then how to translate that into everyday living.
The next step, for those who take it, is the Colour PsychoDynamics Practitioner training, this part of the training provides the therapeutic colour tools for the healing of, and the working with, the unfinished business of the ancestors and the deep wounds to the Soul, both of which may inhibit and block the Soul’s calling to adventure and purpose.
Who the training is for:
Therapists of all kinds, coaches, psychologists and counsellors looking to expand their tools in facilitating their clients’ self-understanding and growth
Professionals working with colour, such as decor, design, fashion, styling, film
Managers and HR professionals looking to enhance individual and team performance
Seekers on the path of self-understanding and finding their life purpose
Each training is 84hrs spread over a 6 month period, plus peer group intervision and personal supervision hours. Each cohort has a limit of 9 students, this limited number is to allow the space for each person to enter into the full immersion of the Colour PsychoDynamics training process.
Colour PsychoDynamics Profiler Training - Registrations open
For further information please email me at: mark@colourforlife.com
‘When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece’
John Ruskin
